Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Movie Review: Faces in the Crowd

I watch a lot of movies, so I have decided to start writing movie reviews. I just finished watching Faces in the Crowd on Netflix. First of all you should know that the movie is rated R, although it probably could have been PG-13, mostly for language and some violence, although there is one sex scene but you don't see any actual naked bits, just her stomach and his chest. Anyway, I only gave the movie 2 out of 5 stars, mostly because I knew who the killer was as soon as I saw him. The director, Julien Magnat, tried to throw in a couple of twists to throw you off track, but eventhose were pretty transparent. The movie is about a woman named Anna Merchant (played by Milla Jovovich) who witneses a murder by a serial killer and then hits her head and develops Prosopagnosia (that's a neat word) or "Face Blindness." Basically she cannot remember a person's face from one moment to the next. If you leave her sight for a moment or so when she sees you again you look like someone else. This was my favorite part of the movie because it was clever the way the director had to switch actors to show the condition. I still can't remember what her boyfriend looked like originally. The acting in the movie is not bad, Milla Jovovich does a good job of looking freaked out and distressed, and I did not even recognize Julian McMahon as the detective trying to find the serial killer. Of course this might have been because he was wearing a goatee and the only other thing I know him from is as Doctor Doom from the Fantastic Four movies, but I never thought of him as Doom ina different movie, so that is a good thing. There were no great dramatic moments in the movie though, nothing to make it stand out as anything more than mediocre, so unless you are bored and have already seen every other serial killer movie, you can skip this one. If you are loking for a good serial killer movie check out Se7en with Brad Pitt, or the classic Silence of the Lambs with Anthony Hopkins, or Zodiak with Robert Downey Jr. and Jake Gyllenhaal, or one of my favorites, January Man with Kevin Kline. All of those are R rated as well, so if you don't watch R rated movies don't rent any of these, watch them edited on TV. So, that's my first movie review. I'll write more later.

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