Friday, April 25, 2008

What to post, what not to post

I've been thinking. What a better world this would be if more people did that.

I've heard of people who got their start on the Internet, and now are famous. Okay, I heard of one person who did that, and she is a singer. I'm not a singer, although I like to sing, just not so much in front of people. I write. I would like to do it for a living, but so far I've spent more money on my writing than I've earned. But I was thinking, if other people can get discovered on the Internet, why not me? The problem I see is how do I keep people from stealing what I write on here. All they have to do is copy and paste, after all. As I see it, that's a pretty big problem.

I've actually written several short stories and two books that I am quite pleased with, and I think would make for a good read. I just don't know what to do with them. I would post parts on here, if it weren't for the aforementioned fear of mine. I have a goal to get one short story in particular published. Problem is, I don't know where to send it. It is a story about five friends who are playing in a construction site when one of their bikes gets taken and they have to try and get it back. It is told from the perspective of an adult looking back on his childhood. I'm not sure how to classify it, is it adolescent lit? adult fiction? what? Since I'm not sure about the audience, which can range from 10 to whatever, I'm not sure how to market it. Any suggestions?

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